Environmental metagenomic data generated from sequencing amplicon of in-shore, off-shore and plant-associated soil microbial communities of the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward and Marion Islands
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Dorrington R (2021): FBIP: Survey of invertebrate and microbial diversity of the Prince Edward Islands system. v1.0. South African National Biodiversity Institute. Dataset/Occurrence. http://ipt.sanbi.org.za/iptsanbi/resource?r=fbip111&v=1.0
パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は South African National Biodiversity Institute。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
このリソースをはGBIF と登録されており GBIF UUID: 5c23cc27-be23-48fe-bd70-a0cef232138dが割り当てられています。 South African Biodiversity Information Facility によって承認されたデータ パブリッシャーとして GBIF に登録されているSouth African National Biodiversity Institute が、このリソースをパブリッシュしました。
Occurrence; Sagina procumbens; Azorella selago; plant rhizosphere; soil microbial communities; Penicillium; Trichoderma; Ascomycetes; Specimen; Prince Edward Islands (Marion and Prince Edward); polar ecosystems; climate change; biodiversity survey; Invertebrates; microbials; terrestrial habitats
- メタデータ提供者 ●
- 最初のデータ採集者 ●
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- データ配布者
Prince Edward and Marion Islands
座標(緯度経度) | 南 西 [-47.5, 37.3], 北 東 [-46.5, 38.5] |
microbial diversity
Kingdom | Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryota, Fungi |
開始日 / 終了日 | 2012-04-25 / 2016-05-28 |
Environmental metagenomic data generated from sequencing amplicon of in-shore, off-shore and plant-associated soil microbial communities of the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward and Marion Islands
タイトル | FBIP: Survey of invertebrate and microbial diversity of the Prince Edward Islands system |
識別子 | FBIS150518118100 |
ファンデイング | Foundational Biodiversity Information Programme |
Study Area Description | Prince Edward and Marion Islands |
- データ所有者
- Soil/root samples were collected from various plants occuring on Marion Island, these samples were stored at -20oC and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Despite being frozen isolations were performed. - Surface seawater (taken from a depth of 5 m) and for the illumina samples (depth was approx 5m) was filtered through 100 µm mesh, followed by polyethersulfone membrane filters (0.22 µm) to collect bacteria. Filtered seawater and the filters were stored separately at -20ºC.
Study Extent | Survey and metabarcoding of microorganism in Prince Edward and Marion Islands |
Quality Control | No |
Method step description:
- Standard mycological culturing methods, used standard sequencing methods: - 16S rRNA genes using bacterial targeting and archaea targeting primers and 18S rRNA genes using universal eukaryote primers were amplified via polymerase chain reactions using genomic DNA extracted from biomass which was collected on the polyethersulfone membrane filters. Polymerase chain reaction products were sized on an agarose gel and extracted. The cleaned up extractions were then sequenced via pyrosequencing and Illumina sequencing. Sequence reads were curated using Mothur. - Extraction of genomic DNA from soil samples, followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene for selected samples. PCR products were cut out from agarose gels to ensure the correct PCR product was obtain, each correct product was extracted from the gel and then purified, followed by sequencing on the Illumina platform. Raw sequence reads were curated using Mothur and classified according to the Silva v132 database. - Extraction of genomic DNA from root samples, followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the ITS1 region. PCR products were cut out from agarose gels to ensure the correct PCR product was obtain, each correct product was extracted from the gel and then purified, followed by sequencing on the Illumina platform. - DNA was extracted from the isolated fungal endophytes, the ITS region was PCR amplified and amplicons were sent for sanger sequencing. When sequences were determined individual isolates were identified using BLAST on the NCBI website