FBIP: Baboon spider distribution records from selected South African museums

Versão mais recente published by South African National Biodiversity Institute on dez 12, 2019 South African National Biodiversity Institute
Publication date:
12 de dezembro de 2019
CC-BY 4.0

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Specimen records for baboon spiders from the Iziko South African Museum, Durban Museum of Natural History, Kwazulu-Natal Museum an National Museum, Bloemfontein. The dataset was created as part of the Baboon Spider Atlas project (www.baboonspideratlas.co.za) which aims to document baboon spider diversity in Southern Africa. The records have also been included in the SpiderMap project on the ADU Virtual Museum (http://vmus.adu.org.za) and can be viewed there together with photographic records from citizen scientists.

Registros de Dados

Os dados deste recurso de ocorrência foram publicados como um Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), que é o formato padronizado para compartilhamento de dados de biodiversidade como um conjunto de uma ou mais tabelas de dados. A tabela de dados do núcleo contém 772 registros.

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


A tabela abaixo mostra apenas versões de recursos que são publicamente acessíveis.

Como citar

Pesquisadores deveriam citar esta obra da seguinte maneira:

Sole C, Engelbrecht I (2019): FBIP: Baboon spider distribution records from selected South African museums. v1.0. South African National Biodiversity Institute. Dataset/Occurrence. http://ipt.sanbi.org.za/iptsanbi/resource?r=sole_up_2016_adm_v6&v=1.0


Pesquisadores devem respeitar a seguinte declaração de direitos:

O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é South African National Biodiversity Institute. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

Este recurso foi registrado no GBIF e atribuído ao seguinte GBIF UUID: f12967b8-55a1-4d81-b390-5656a1b73ebc.  South African National Biodiversity Institute publica este recurso, e está registrado no GBIF como um publicador de dados aprovado por South African Biodiversity Information Facility.


Baboon spiders; museum collections; digitization; georeference; Specimen


Catherine Sole
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
  • Originador
  • Ponto De Contato
Senior Lecturer
University of Pretoria
University of Pretoria, Zoology Building, Office: 3-7. First Floor
0002 Pretoria
Ian Engelbrecht
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
  • Originador
  • Ponto De Contato
SANBI NSCF Data Coordinator
2 Cussonia Avenue
0184 Pretoria
Mahlatse Kgatla
  • Provedor De Conteúdo
FBIP Data Specialist
2 Cussonia Avenue, Brummeria
0184 Pretoria

Cobertura Geográfica

Southern African

Coordenadas delimitadoras Sul Oeste [-38,231, 13,8], Norte Leste [-7,073, 38,616]

Cobertura Taxonômica

Baboon spiders (Araneae: Theraphosidae)

Família Theraphosidae

Cobertura Temporal

Data Inicial / Data final 1886-11-30 / 2014-11-30

Dados Sobre o Projeto

Specimen records for baboon spiders from the Iziko South African Museum, Durban Museum of Natural History, Kwazulu-Natal Museum an National Museum, Bloemfontein. The dataset was created as part of the Baboon Spider Atlas project (www.baboonspideratlas.co.za) which aims to document baboon spider diversity in Southern Africa. The records have also been included in the SpiderMap project on the ADU Virtual Museum (http://vmus.adu.org.za) and can be viewed there together with photographic records from citizen scientists.

Título Baboon spider distribution records from selected South African museums
Identificador ADM
Financiamento Foundational Biodiversity Information Programme
Descrição da Área de Estudo Southern African

O pessoal envolvido no projeto:

Catherine Sole
  • Pesquisador Principal
Ian Engelbrecht
  • Pesquisador Principal

Métodos de Amostragem

No specimens were collected. All identifications are based on existing museum specimens.

Área de Estudo Southern African
Controle de Qualidade Identifications were checked and updated, and locality records were georeferenced. Georeferenced were checked in a GIS.

Descrição dos passos do método:

  1. Specimens were examined and identified by an expert. All records were extracted from the database for each institution and are included in the dataset, even where those specimens were not located in the collection. Taxonomy was updated in many cases, and existing identifications confirmed or corrected. The numbers of specimens and their sex in each series was also recorded. Locality records were georeferenced following the protocol of Wieczorek et al. 2004. Verbatim coordinates, where available, were used as a guide for georeferencing localities, and so the decimal coordinates fields should be correct, even where they don't match verbatim coordinates.

Metadados Adicionais