Ants of the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve

Données d'échantillonnage
Dernière version Publié par South African National Biodiversity Institute le juil. 23, 2024 South African National Biodiversity Institute
Date de publication:
23 juillet 2024
CC-BY 4.0

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Ant invertebrate records were sampled using pitfall traps, at the Cape Peninsular National Park, in the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve Section in 1999. The aim of this study, was to determine if ants were useful as indicators of recovery success in South African fynbos cleared of invasive alien plants by different clearing methods. Ant abundance, species richness, diversity, evenness, and composition were compared between treatment and control areas, at three sites in the Reserve. The alien clearing methods were comprised of several treatments (including multiple treatments in one site), including K1a: burnt, bulldozed and aerial sprayed; K1b:burnt, bulldozed and aerial sprayed; K2: burnt and aerial sprayed; K3: Control at the Klaasjagersberg site; M4: Control at the Meadows site, M5: Burnt and foliar sprayed; P6a: Burnt and boomsprayed, P6b: Burnt and boomsprayed, P7: Burnt and foliar sprayed, P8: Control site at the Platboom site. The overall study utilised both a vegetation survey and an ant survey, as indicators of recovery success in fynbos vegetation. Data was collected as part of a Postgraduate Masters Degree Project, with specimens contributing to the Iziko Natural History Collections. The Project was registered with the University of Cape Town, with the Institute for Plant Conservation and conducted in collaboration with Iziko Museums.

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Parker-Allie F (2024). Ants of the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve. Version 1.0. South African National Biodiversity Institute. Samplingevent dataset.


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Samplingevent; Specimen


Fatima Parker-Allie
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Utilisateur
  • Personne De Contact
DD: Biodiversity Informatics
Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, Rhodes Drive, Newlands
7700 Cape Town
Western Cape
Hamish Robertson
  • Conservateur
Cape Town
Western Cape
David Mark Richardson
  • Utilisateur
Cape Town
Western Cape

Couverture géographique

Cape Peninsular National Park, in the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve Section. Currently called the Table Mountain National Park Bounding coordinates: N: -34.262601 Bounding coordinates: S: -34.346778 Bounding coordinates: W: 18.384246 Bounding coordinates: E: 18.479527

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [-34,347, 18,384], Nord Est [-34,263, 18,48]

Couverture taxonomique

Ant species from South Africa, sampled within the Cape Peninsular National Park, in the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve Section. Currently called the Table Mountain National Park, , Ant species from South Africa, sampled within the Cape Peninsular National Park, in the Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve Section. Currently called the Table Mountain National Park,

Family Formicidae (Ant)

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 1999-02-24 / 1999-03-29

Données sur le projet

MSc Thesis Project entitled "The Impacts of Different Methods of Alien Plant Control on the Recovery of Fynbos Ecosystems"

Titre The Impacts of Different Methods of Alien Plant Control on the Recovery of Fynbos Ecosystems
Financement National Research Foundation and the CSIR
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

A total of 20 pitfalls were installed in five quadrats per study site (4 pitfalls per quadrat). Each pitfall was then placed 2.5 meters from the corner, and one meter towards the inside of the quadrat. The pitfall traps were plastic cups, 9.5 cm deep with a diameter of 6.5 cm at the top, containing c. 75 ml of ethylene glycol. The pitfall trapping survey was conducted from late February to March 1999 for a period of one month. For each quadrat, two samples were processed at random, yielding a total of 100 pitfall traps. Twice the number of pitfall traps was installed to counteract losses and breakage of traps. After the installation of pitfall traps, samples were collected after 31 days. On return to the laboratory, saltwater extractions were used to separate organic matter from inorganic matter and the resultant liquid was cleaned. Samples were stored in 80 % ethanol. Ants were separated from other invertebrates and sorted to morphospecies based on external morphological characters. A reference collection for the reserve, housed at the Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town, was used for identifying species, and voucher specimens from each site were mounted and added to this collection. In cases where large numbers of ants of one species were found, the contents of the pitfalls were sub-sampled for that species, from which the estimated total number was calculated.

Etendue de l'étude Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve
Contrôle qualité Data were validated by engaging with experts where necessary and using various field guides; GPS coordinates obtained; GBIF Taxonomic matching tool utilised

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. See above

Données de collection

Nom de la collection Hymenoptera
Méthode de conservation des spécimens Alcohol

Citations bibliographiques

  1. F Parker-Allie, HG Robertson, and Richardson DM, 2008. The Argentine ant, Veld and Flora

Métadonnées additionnelles