Around the 1930’s Stevenson and Day along with the University of Cape Town (UCT) started up the UCT ecological survey project which aimed to create a reference collection of the biodiversity along the southern African coastline and various other localities around the world (e.g. Beaufort shelf transect Alaska, Madagascar, etc.) (Griffiths et al. 2010). Initially the survey/project was conducted along the shoreline of southern Africa (estimated collection areas: 36). The survey/project was later expanded to surveying the estuaries of southern Africa (estimated collection areas: 17). The survey/project was completed by conducting deeper water trawls and dredges of the west, south and east coast of southern Africa. It is important to note that each collection area contains various collection sites, for example False Bay (collection area) contains an estimated 856 collection sites. The reference collection and registers were donated to the IZIKO South African museum in the 1960’s by UCT. Numerous amounts of literature have been published by using the data in the registers (Barnard 1951, Stock & Day 1959, Stock & Day 1962, Griffiths 1974, Blaber 1974 and Griffiths et al. 2010). Currently there are a number of taxanomic projects underway, that rely on the data contained within the registers. By making the data available in a sensible electronic format will greatly improve the time taken to complete current and future projects that rely on the registers for data. Along with the reference specimen collection it also contains a vast number of observational records, which could potentially provide a massive istorical database of species occurrences dating back to more than forty years ago. Datasets such as these could potentially give us greater insights into the effects of global change on biodiversity (Chapman 2005, Chapman 2010).
Los datos en este recurso de registros biológicos han sido publicados como Archivo Darwin Core(DwC-A), el cual es un formato estándar para compartir datos de biodiversidad como un conjunto de una o más tablas de datos. La tabla de datos del core contiene 440 registros.
Este IPT archiva los datos y, por lo tanto, sirve como repositorio de datos. Los datos y los metadatos del recurso están disponibles para su descarga en la sección descargas. La tabla versiones enumera otras versiones del recurso que se han puesto a disposición del público y permite seguir los cambios realizados en el recurso a lo largo del tiempo.
La siguiente tabla muestra sólo las versiones publicadas del recurso que son de acceso público.
¿Cómo referenciar?
Los usuarios deben citar este trabajo de la siguiente manera:
Bosman A (2020): FBIP: SeaKeys - Iziko_UCT_Historical Fish. v1.1. South African National Biodiversity Institute. Dataset/Occurrence.
Los usuarios deben respetar los siguientes derechos de uso:
El publicador y propietario de los derechos de este trabajo es South African National Biodiversity Institute. Esta obra está bajo una licencia Creative Commons de Atribución/Reconocimiento (CC-BY 4.0).
Registro GBIF
Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: d71e908c-f944-4fdd-9872-178754a00805. South African National Biodiversity Institute publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por South African Biodiversity Information Facility.
Palabras clave
Occurrence; Observation
- Proveedor De Los Metadatos ●
- Originador ●
- Punto De Contacto
- Proveedor De Contenido
Cobertura geográfica
Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique)
Coordenadas límite | Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [-37,02, 7,383], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [-10,488, 42,363] |
Cobertura taxonómica
Marine Fish
Reino | Animalia (Marine Fish) |
Cobertura temporal
Fecha Inicial / Fecha Final | 1937-07-07 / 2000-01-19 |
Datos del proyecto
Around the 1930’s Stevenson and Day along with the University of Cape Town (UCT) started up the UCT ecological survey project which aimed to create a reference collection of the biodiversity along the southern African coastline and various other localities around the world (e.g. Beaufort shelf transect Alaska, Madagascar, etc.) (Griffiths et al. 2010). Initially the survey/project was conducted along the shoreline of southern Africa (estimated collection areas: 36). The survey/project was later expanded to surveying the estuaries of southern Africa (estimated collection areas: 17). The survey/project was completed by conducting deeper water trawls and dredges of the west, south and east coast of southern Africa. It is important to note that each collection area contains various collection sites, for example False Bay (collection area) contains an estimated 856 collection sites. The reference collection and registers were donated to the IZIKO South African museum in the 1960’s by UCT. Numerous amounts of literature have been published by using the data in the registers (Barnard 1951, Stock & Day 1959, Stock & Day 1962, Griffiths 1974, Blaber 1974 and Griffiths et al. 2010). Currently there are a number of taxanomic projects underway, that rely on the data contained within the registers. By making the data available in a sensible electronic format will greatly improve the time taken to complete current and future projects that rely on the registers for data. Along with the reference specimen collection it also contains a vast number of observational records, which could potentially provide a massive istorical database of species occurrences dating back to more than forty years ago. Datasets such as these could potentially give us greater insights into the effects of global change on biodiversity (Chapman 2005, Chapman 2010).
Título | SeaKeys - Iziko_UCT_Historical Fish |
Identificador | IBIP-ITP13060118420 |
Fuentes de Financiación | Foundational Biodiversity Information Programme |
Descripción del área de estudio | Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique) |
Personas asociadas al proyecto:
- Investigador Principal
Métodos de muestreo
Museum registers that house the observational data
Área de Estudio | Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique) |
Control de Calidad | Some georeferencing was done, needs further verification of georeferences and taxonomic verification. |
Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:
- Various methods used, outlined in the spreadsheet
Metadatos adicionales
Identificadores alternativos | |